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The Helix editor has a built-in LSP client that supports ErlangLS out-of-the-box.


First, make sure you have a recent Helix installation. ErlangLS configuration was added in 22.05. If you're running an older build, you may configure ErlangLS in the language configuration file:

name = "erlang"
language-server.command = "erlang_ls"

Install ErlangLS on your system. The erlang_ls executable must be in $PATH.


Use hx --health erlang to check that Helix can find ErlangLS.

Run Helix in verbose mode with hx -v (up to three vs) and check the log file to debug communication between Helix and ErlangLS.

Tips and Tricks

LSP-driven auto-format is disabled by default. You can enable auto-format local to a project by adding a .helix/languages.toml:

name = "erlang"
auto-format = true

Or globally in the language configuration file.